About Taylor

Hi, my name is Taylor and I teach people how to use Foundry.

During the five years I worked for Palantir, I deployed Foundry to commercial and government customers across a wide range of industries — including healthcare, transportation, media, finance, and manufacturing.

Each customer would ask me the same question: “We love the results, but how do we teach our people to use Foundry as well as Palantir’s people do?”

I never had a good answer to this. Everything I knew about Foundry came from witnessing its creation and evolution first-hand — not from any sort of structured training or course. Although I loved sitting down with a team of users and teaching them ad hoc, that didn’t scale.

Ontologize is my solution to this. Through channeling my experience at Palantir into live trainings and self-serve courses, I believe I can help anyone become a Foundry expert.

Having worked in education prior to Palantir, I know that being a good teacher depends on much more than merely having knowledge others seek. Pedagogy, the craft of teaching effectively, is just as important as subject matter expertise.

With Ontologize, my goal is to combine superb teaching with years of Foundry experience to create the best Foundry courses and trainings available anywhere.

Taylor‘s signature
Taylor Gregoire-Wright

What people have to say

Taylor is someone I regularly turn to when thinking about the future of Foundry. His Foundry expertise is unparalleled, and his ability to effectively communicate complex technical concepts to both engineers and non-experts is truly unique. This combination makes him a particularly credible source for anyone looking to expand their knowledge and skills.

Peter Wilczynski

Peter Wilczynski

Product Manager - Ontology Systems, Palantir

Taylor and I worked side-by-side at Palantir, where Fortune 500 C-suite clients trusted him to explain how Foundry works. He was adept at explaining complicated technical concepts in ways that a layperson could understand. His full-stack expertise is invaluable for anyone looking to become more skilled in using Foundry!

Ashlyn Gentry Yue

Ashlyn Gentry Yue

Operating Partner, Thinktiv